Stress 2

In the first blog on this subject, we described what stress is, we talked about energetic accounting and stress signals. In this blog, we will talk about what can cause stress. This is not an exhaustive list by all means, so please feel free to comment and add by using the contactbutton.

* There are more and more signals coming, that our youth is getting overwhelmed by the pressure to perform in our society. It results in burn-out at a very young age, suicidal behaviour, matte reactions, freezing and not getting anything done, no desire to do anything and so on. This is a scary development.

* Stress at work due to all kinds of demands that are put on you, by employment conditions or on a social organizational level. You can also experience stress when you are underperforming. This last aspect is often lost sight of.

* Stress can also occur in  your private life. Think of the loss of a loved human or pet, loss of work, loss of health, a fight with someone close to you, loss of a home.Things that are fun, can also cause stress. Think of getting married, getting children, move house or retirement.

* You might not believe this, but also your personality (who you think you are), can cause stress. Do you often say yes while you would rather say no? When did you say wholeheartedly yes to yourself lately? Do you have a strong sense of responsability? Do you have a lot of dedication and enthusiasm and do you place high demands on yourself? Are you alwways ready to help others, are you a perfectionist and do you have trouble asking help for yourself? Are you competitive, do you like to be the number one? Have you ever considered that when you became number one, it might cause a lot of stress to stáy number one?

* In addition, there is of course the social pressure and your specific social circumstances and/or the culture you are living in. You thínk according to the culture you are living in, but your body reacts in a biological way. This does not have to be congruent and can cause tension as well.

* The way in which you interpret tension also makes a lot of difference: does something new scare you or do you see it as a nice challenge? Can you see something new as an enriching new experience?

* Another source of tension may be that there has been stress during pregnancy. A survey concluded, that when the mom-to-be is very stressed, the baby will have a higher stresslevel throughout his or hers entire life. There might also be tension due to attachtment injuries, because of less than ideal circumstances during young age.

* In the past, the sex-specific roles and the associated expectations, were  defined towards each other. This is no longer the case. The continuous change in these roles might also give feelings of tension.

* Being in the closet, having to stay in the closet, because of your surroundings do not tolerate your sexual preference or genderrole, could be a big stressfactor.

* An unhealthy lifestyle can bring your body into major stress. Think of bad eating habits, such as refined sugars, unhealthy fats, processed food, the use or abuse of alcohol, smoking, not enough movement. A survey concluded that your lifespan is for 25% determined by your DNA and for 75% by your lifestyle.

* Lowgrade inflammations in for example in your intestines, can bring the body in a lot of stress. Certain substances cannot be absorbed as it should be and the body uses a whole of energy to get rid of the inflammation. This energy is not available anymore for other processes in the body, such as for the making of pigment. If there is not enough energy, the healing process will take much longer.

* Because of inflammations in the body, you can get burned out. Stress makes the body acid, it goes to the weakest spot, the weakest spot gets inflamed and in addition the inflammation brings about more stress to the body. It can be a nasty, vicious circle.

* A shortage of vitamin B12 can wreck havoc, since B12 influences all kind of processes.

* Narcistic abuse by a narcistic parent, partner or collegue can cause anxiety disorders and stress. These kind of toxic relationships can affect your immunesystem, increase the chance of inflammations, ensure early aging, can dammage your DNA, can lead to burn-out, chronic fatigue, changes in bodyweight.

* Not knowing your origin, because of for example adoption.

* Sexual violence. Sexual violence has its own STI, which is the STI of shame and guilt.

* Unethical behavior might lead to stress. Think of lying and cheating. Can you imagine how much energy it will cost to keep all of the mind made stories apart? Or think of secrets…

As you can see, stress can have so many causes, internal as well as external. We like to hear your reactions on this subject. Please let us know what we can add to this list.

February 2019

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