
In January we informed you about Bay Leaf and in February about Rosemary. Chamomile is an age old herb. Ealier, man made paths with Chamomile.When you step on Chamomile, it sets free its soothing smell. Where Rosemary is an activating herb, Chamomile is a soothing herb. From Bay Leaf  and Rosemary, you can use the dried leaves. From Chamomile you can use the dried flowers. There are different sorts of Chamomile and it has many applications. Mellie Uyldert wrote about Chamomile:  ‘The Chamomile with the golden heart that springs up to the sun, is a sun-bearer or sunbeam that comforts man with vitality’.  Ýou can use Chamomile for the nervous system, the digestive system, for  inflammations and the female reproductive organs. You can make a tea of it, you can use it in the bathtub and you can steam with this herb. Chamomile tea is very well known and Chamomile tea with a little bit of Manuka honey works wonders for your digestive system. It reduces (lowgrade) inflammations. What is less known and therefore interesting, is Chamoile soup. You will find the recipe under the header food & drinks. Please let us know if this was informative for you and how you use Chamomile. You just have to hit the contact button. March 2019 All rights reserved


The herb in the spotlight for this season, is nettle. It is het wild herb and the official name is Urtica dioca. Nettle works very well for ailments as rheumatism and fibromyalgia. You can find these blogs under the header health. Some people see nettle as a weed, but nettle has a lot of healing capacities. You can find nettle on, for example, roadsides. If you want to harvest, look […]

Detox exercise

In previous blogs, we talked about the importance of movement for your heart, bloodflow, lymphatic system and for building your physical pension Movenment is also important for  your liver energy. In Chinese medicine, the organs of the spring, are the gall bladder and the liver. The main function of the liver energy is to guarantee te free flow of of qi. Qi is your vital energy. Qi is the total of your energy and each and every organ has it’s own qi. Energy should move, otherwise it gets inert. As a matter of speaking, it starts smelling like non moving water in a pond. The smell is the smell of stagnation and therefore of illness. The cobra For this month, we have an exercise that is called the cobra. The cobra has detox qualtities and it goes as follows. Lay flat on your belly. Put your hand beside your breast(s). The fingers point forward. Now lift your upperbody up, there will be a little arch in your back. Your elbows point backward and they lightly touch your upper body. Do not stretch your arms/elbows. Now, try to relax the muscles in your legs and bumbum. Keep breathing deeply, nice and slow. Bring you head back wards, so you can feel a stretch in your throat. Drop your jaw and stick your tongue out. Keep this position for as long as it is comfortable. Then close your jaw, bring back your head, bring your bumbum up and towards your heels, stretch your back and get up slowly. You can do this exercise as many times as you like. It will promote the free flow of qi in the breast area, it will energize you, it tones the muscles in your arms and shoulders and last but not least, it will stimulate your digestive organs. Enjoy the movement and please let us know how this exercise went for you. […]

Spring exercise

In previous blogs we talked about how important movement is for the heart, for the blood and lymphatic flow, for your physical pension and for the liver energy. According to chinese medicine, energy travels through meridians. You could see meridians as a sort of highway. The liver has a long meridian and part of it runs through the groin. For this month, we […]

Shake it, baby!

This month, you will find a guestblog on Tension Release Exercises, in short TRE, under the header related subjects. Since you can only learn the TRE exercises from a certified provider, we give you two exercises from the Healing Tao as well as an active meditation, called the Kundalini meditation. Shake! The shake exercise goes as follows. Put your feet hipwidth. Keep your knees loose, your arms hang losely […]


Qi is the Chinese word for lifeforce, the inspiring force that flows through all the lives. The regular Western vision on movement, contains muscles, oxygen and blood. In the Chinese vision, there is another power behind this and that force is called qi. Qi moves through meridians. You could see the meridians as an energetic highway that runs throughout your […]

The five elements part 1

Let’s start this blog with the difference between Chinese medicine and regular Western medicine. A Chinese medicine practitioner looks holistic; looks at your whole energetic system. This is the biggest difference with Western medicine, where you, your body, can be reduced to a diseased part. One of the baselines of Chinese medicine, are the five elements; the […]

The Inn

This being-human is a kind of inn. New visitors every morning: a joy, a depression, a distress. A flash of insight comes, as an unexpected guest. Welcome them, receive them all hospitably. Even when a crowd of grief comes in, who violently smashes your entire household goods. Treat every guest with the utmost respect. Maybe he will clear the lot to make room for extasy. The dark thought, the shame, the venom, meet them at the frontdoor with a broad grin  and ask them to join. Be happy with everyone who comes by. Heaven has sent all of them to serve you. RUMI

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