Bay leaf

We are still in the middle of the winterseason. In the winter, the element water gets more power. More rest, more going with the flow is important. As is eating well, being careful with your energy and keeping your feet warm. A warm footbath will make you fall asleep more easily. Last month, we already […]


In January we informed you about Bay Leaf and in February about Rosemary. Chamomile is an age old herb. Ealier, man made paths with Chamomile.When you step on Chamomile, it sets free its soothing smell. Where Rosemary is an activating herb, Chamomile is a soothing herb. From Bay Leaf  and Rosemary, you can use the dried leaves. From Chamomile you can use the dried flowers. There are different sorts of Chamomile and it has many applications. Mellie Uyldert wrote about Chamomile:  ‘The Chamomile with the golden heart that springs up to the sun, is a sun-bearer or sunbeam that comforts man with vitality’.  Ýou can use Chamomile for the nervous system, the digestive system, for  inflammations and the female reproductive organs. You can make a tea of it, you can use it in the bathtub and you can steam with this herb. Chamomile tea is very well known and Chamomile tea with a little bit of Manuka honey works wonders for your digestive system. It reduces (lowgrade) inflammations. What is less known and therefore interesting, is Chamoile soup. You will find the recipe under the header food & drinks. Please let us know if this was informative for you and how you use Chamomile. You just have to hit the contact button. March 2019 All rights reserved


The herb in the spotlight for this season, is nettle. It is het wild herb and the official name is Urtica dioca. Nettle works very well for ailments as rheumatism and fibromyalgia. You can find these blogs under the header health. Some people see nettle as a weed, but nettle has a lot of healing capacities. You can find nettle on, for example, roadsides. If you want to harvest, look […]

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