
The time and age we are living in, cause a large amount of toxic load in our body, which affects all of our bodily systems in a negative way. Think of our degenerated and processed food, air pollution, light pollution, radiation, not enough movement and stress. To stay as healthy as possible and age gracefully, it is important to detox regularly. In ealier days, detox was done during springtime. Detoxing your body was seen as the great springcleaning like the one in your house. But actually, the toxic load is so high in these days, that we need an other way of thinking about this subject and we need to be more aware of detoxprinciples. Many people connect detox with the use of supplements of complicated and time consuming strategies.

In reality, the first detox tip is as hard as it is simple. Avoid toxins in food, go for organic, so your body won’t have to work so hard to get rid of it. So, don’t put toxins is, otherwise it is mopping with the tap open. Also avoid unnatural cremes on the skin. The skin is your biggest organ and everything you put on on it, goes straight into your body. A thought to go by: don’t put on your skin what you cannot eat. Avoid unnatural deodorants and make-up. Many make-up brands have parabens in it. The body stores parabens in the breasts, which might lead to inflammation and even cancer.

The second detox tip is to move and drink sufficiently. Movement will keep the blood and lymph flowing and enough water and herbal tea on a daily basis, will enhance excretion; it will flush the toxins out. Movement might make you sweat; this is a natural detox by your biggest organ. Also a sauna or a hot/cold shower, is a great way to detox. It’s important to keep the skin open so to say, to let the detox happen naturally. People with heart problems, please consult your doctor first before going to the sauna.

The third detox tip is rest, relax and sleep sufficiently. When you are stressed or when you do not sleep and rest enough, your energy reserves are consumed, regeneration processes are at a low level and your excretion deminishes. For detoxing, you need to have enough energy and you need all of your excretion organs (skin, kidneys and intestines) to be open. This means, people who suffer from a burnout, better not detox, because there is not enough energy to do that. They will have to wait until their energy is somewhat restored. A blog on burnout will follow pretty soon.

Some say: body & mind, but actually it is bodymind, because they are different sides of the same coin, the coin that makes you you. They influence each other in more ways than we can comprehend at this point in time. Thinking of detox, the fourth detox tip is to release emotional patterns, maybe with the help of a well trained therapist. Releasing old patterns will promote the flow in your body as well.

The fifth detox tip is fasting or intermittend fasting. If fasting is what you like to try, we recommend you to find somebody who is trainend in these processes. Intermittent fasting is also an option. If you are drawn to this kind of practice, you could have for example one day in the week where you only drink water, herbal tea and fresh fruit and vegetable juices. Or you can choose to eat only during certain times of the day and the rest of the day you fast. Digesting food takes up a whole lot of energy and fasting can have a calming effect, which means you might feel more energised. Please note: fasting en intermittent fasting might not be suited for diabetics. In case you would like to try it, consult your doctor or dietician first.

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March 2019

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