
As an Aquarius in the age of Aquarius, freedom has always been a very important topic in my life.

2020 was the year that we were supposed to celebrate 75 year of freedom. With this virus, it turned out to be the year of fear, death, isolation, goodbyes, quarantine, broken social webs and so on. Freedoms we had, fundamental rights, were offered on the virusaltar so to say and the question is when and how we are going to get them back. Or is that an illusion?

Anyway, we just shook 2020 of our shoulders, which gives us the freedom to embrace a totally new year; a new blank page. Happy New Year everybody! I think 2021 will be a year with a lot to happen. In this blog, I would like to share my thoughts on freedom. I think freedom, the feeling of being free, is utterly important for your health and well-being. I know it is for me! I have been digging around to see if I could come to some kind of a definiton of freedom. Read on and see what I found. Maybe it makes your brain crack too.

What is freedom?

I there such a thing as freedom? A lot of people wrote about freedom…

From a sociological point of view, freedom is the possibility to act according to your own will. In a social sense it encompasses the possibility of groups and individuals to participate in social, economic and political interaction. In modernity, freedom has become a particular important value that can be explained in many ways. A conclusion could be that no matter how you turn or turn it, it is always a freedom in bondage that will always create a field of tension. Do you experience this tension (sometimes)?

From a philosophical point of view, freedom is a concept (as everything is a concept) around the core question: ‘Does human freedom exist and if so what exactly is it? What do you think?

Freedom is also a central concept in human rights. In this view there is a personal, intellectual, political and academic freedom. Freedom of rights includes freedom of conscience, religion, expression, speech/expression and printing press and integrity of your body. In this time of lockup/lockdown or however you want to see it, do you feel you still have those rights?

Then there is a current that says:  ‘Behavior is driven by biology’.  Is being driven by your biology, by your upbringing, by your assumptions, by your beliefsystem, by your fight/flight system, freedom or is it an automatic response?

When I take in these points of view in the virussituation we are still in for almost a year now, I feel a strong restriction on almost every point mentioned, which can leave me breathless sometimes. But in my opinion, there is an antidode to all of this, which I think is good news:

  • turn inward and find answers to the questions: ‘Who do you want to be? In what kind of a society you want to live? What would love do in this situation?’
  • Tell your own truth.
  • Find like-minded people and connect, built your own little communities. Start small.
  • Keep in contact with your surroundings, so that no parallel society will develop.
  • Apply humor.

I leave you with it. Lots of luck and love. I would like to hear your opinion, your findings on this subject!

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