When life gives you lemons, make limonade!

There is a reason, actually there are many reasons, for saying that! Starting your day with a glas of warm water with lemon. Why would you even consider this minor lifestyle change?

*Lemon reduces chronic inflammation*

Chronic inflammation plays a part in (rheumatic) arthritis of osteoarthritis. Chronic inflammation is caused by, amongst other things, unhealthu food and nutritional deficiencies. Accumulation of uric acid is a major cause of chronic inflammation. You can find a blog over the importance of regular detox under the header health.

*Lemon reduces oxidatieve stress*

Oxidation occurs as a reaction to oxygen in the air, think of rusting. Lemon contains a lot of vitamin C and this makes vitamine C a strong antioxidant. This reduces free radicals that cause damage to your body.

*Lemon contributes to the hormone balance*

For your health, it is important to have a good acid-base ratio. Many of our processed foods, contain carbohydrates, sugar, wheat and soy, which makes the body unbalance and gives inflammation a chance. Although the sour taste of the lemon suggest otherwise, the lemon makes your body less acidified.

*Lemon helps with waste disposal in your body*

In Chinese medicine: your liver reacts to the sour taste of the lemon and will dipose of more waste. In Western medicine: your liver will produce more enzymes to stimulate detoxification. As you can read in this months blog on rhythm, the liver is most active in the night. Therefore it is important to dipose of the waste in the morning. Your lymphatic system is involved in waste disposal and is also activated by lemon.

*Lemon hydrates and thereby provides energy*

Most people do not drink enough water during the day. Drinking water is the most simple way to get more energy, to make your brain work properly and to keep your bloodpressure at the right level. Two liters of water is advised. Starting your day with warm lemon water, can make a big difference to how you feel going about your day.

*Lemon is good for your overall digestion*

As you get older, you produce less stomach acid. Many peoplewith heartburn problems, do not have too much, but too little stomach acid. This lemondrink supports balancing stomach acid.

*Lemon has antibacterial properties*

Because of the high vitamin C content, this drink helps with bacterial and viral infections and with urinary tract infections because it acts as a urinal.

*Lemon ensures fewer wrinkles and a better mood*

Vitamin C promotes the production of collagen and the collagen ensures better skin. The smell of lemon and other citrus fruits, such as orange and mandarin has a positive influence on your mood.

How do you do it?

During the night, a lot of bacteria built up in your mouth. So, first rinse your mouth or brush your teeth.  

Heat a mug of water and put some lemondrops in. When your body gets used to this new routine, you can increase it to half a lemon. Drink it before your breakfast. Rinse your mouth after drinking, so that the acid of the lemon cannot attack your tooth enamel. Than start with your most important meal of the day: your breakfast!

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