The rhythm of food

This month blogs are a lot about nutrition. Not filling, but feeding, which is a huge difference. Like everything in life, food also has a rhythm. So, let’s talk about this rhyhm and about healthy food.

You could see your intestines as an inner tube. This inner tube is your microbiome. The microbiome consists of micro organisms, mostly millions and millions of bacteria. Those bacteria together are called microbiota and they help you to digest food. The microbiome is built up or taken down by the food you eat. Yes, you carry a microzoo around! Is’t that amazing?

The building up of the microbiome starts with birth. Kids born by c-section already have a disadvantage, because in a normal birth, the child gets the first bacteria in the birthcanal. Damage to the microbiome can also occur due to the use of antibiotics or surgery. Your microbiome is as individual as your fingerprint. If your microbiome functions poorly, you are more prone to inflammations in the body. The good news is, that you are not a helpless victim of your microbiome, because you can improve your microbiome by the food you eat and by making lifestyle changes.

In earlier days, people had way less intestinal diseases, because they ate what Mother Nature offered in every season.  Also the pace of society was different from what it is now. Our food induustry developed way faster than our bodies can adjust to. Physical adjustment may take hunderds of years.

If you are interested in optimizing your digestive system, and therefore your overall health, please read on, because health starts in your gut.

* Eat as an emperor in the morning, as a civil servant in the afternoon and as a beggar in the evening.

* Have your breakfast between 7 and 9 in the morning. During this time, your digestive system is most active and food will be digested with less energy, which means less chance of feeling tired.

* Take your breakfast preferably warm. This also aids digestion. Think of home made bone broth with veggies of the season and the area you live in.  Your digestive system communicates with the outside world by eating food and recognizes the food that comes from the area you live in. Think of oats with rice, oat or almondmilk. Or think of congee. Congee is long cooked basmati rice. You can add unsalted butter and cinnamon.

* Have your lunch preferably between 12 and 2 in the afternoon.

* Dinner preferably before 7 pm. After 7 pm your stomach goes to sleep and it will take your body a whole lot of energy to digest when you eat after this time, with, as a result, waking up tired in the morning.

* Vary as much as you can with your food. 

* Eat from the season.

Next items are best to avoid.

* Nicotine, alcohol, coffee, black tea and all other drugs. These items will unnecesarily burden your liver, the great detoxifying plant of your body. The liver has problems breaking it down and removing it from your body.

* All carbonated drinks. The bubbles are known for giving acidity to your body and acidity is known for causing inflammation.

* Light products. Everything that the food industry changed by adding or removing, is not recognized by your body and burdens the digestive process.

* Use of microwave. The microwave works with radiation and changes all fats into toxins. Those toxins burden your digestive system.

* Flavor enhancers. So, everything that has e-numbers in it. Again, e-numbers are added by the food industry to make you keep on buying their products. When you are in a foodstore, read the labels. If there is something in it that you don’t recognize, dón’t eat it.

* all genetically modified seeds (GMO’S), such as wheat, soy and corn. You might want to replace them with spell or oats.

* All refined sugars. Refined sugars make your body acid and thus more prone to inflammation. You can replace with palmsugar, primal sugar or coconutflower sugar if you have to.

* All factory fats, such as margarine and halvarine. These are so called fatal fats, since they take away the cell respiration.

* Dairy. You can replace dairy with almond, rice or goatmilk, ghee or unsalted butter.

We are well aware of the fact that eating habits are difficult to change, because eating habits are connected to you early childhood. But it is worth a try, specially when your are suffering from inflammations in your body, right?

Please let uw know if this blog was helpful for you. You just have to hit the contact button.

June 2019

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